

Altair 提供了一套適合企業部署的綜合數據視覺化軟體。業務用戶、工程師和分析師幾乎都可以連接到任何數據來源並構建數據監控、分析和報告應用程式,而無需編寫任何代碼。









Altair 可視化分析軟體包括適用於幾乎所有數據來源的本地連接器,從大數據存儲庫和即時流源到 SQL 和 NoSQL 數據庫以及平面檔。


Altair 提供一系列企業級視覺化產品,可以部署在雲(公共雲或私有雲)或本地。快速部署我們的軟體(只需幾天,而不是幾個月),並邀請新用戶在幾小時內開始構建自己的定制儀錶板和流分析應用程式。

我們的流處理引擎直接連接到即時流和歷史時間序列數據來源,包括 MQTT、Kafka、Solace 等。使用者可以構建這樣的事件處理應用程式:將流資料與歷史數據相結合,使用各種統計和數學函數計算性能指標,聚合、合併和比較數據集,並根據使用者定義顯示閾值自動突出顯示異常。

Interested in Altair's data visualization and streaming analytics?



使用 Altair® Panopticon™ 從您的數據中提取真正的價值。在幾秒鐘內即可發現離群值、異常、趨勢和集群。Altair 的可視化分析工具已經過優化,可以處理對時間要求嚴格的數據,包括可能以極快的速度變化的資料。過濾工具使用戶能夠放大和縮小時間線,從螢幕移除誤報,並專注於例外情況。用戶只需點擊幾下,即可快速解決疑難問題,幾秒鐘內瞭解複雜的關係,並確定需要進一步調查的問題。



Analyze Performance and Operations of Truck Fleets in Real Time

Altair’s event processing and data visualization tools enable fleet operators to analyze critical data streaming in from sensors and other sources. This real-time visibility into vehicle and driver performance helps reduce operating costs, improve driver safety, and increase fleet productivity. Analysts can display maps showing the current position of all assets, examine route deviations, program alerts on any set of parameters, and compare drivers’ behavior. Analysts can design and modify analytical dashboards as needed without writing a single line of code.

Use Cases

Altair® Panopticon™: Comprehensive Data Visualization and Streaming Analytics

Panopticon provides business users, analysts, traders, and engineers with the monitoring and analysis tools they need to conduct successful, profitable operations while maintaining a close eye on anomalies, trends, clusters, and outliers. They can make insightful, fully informed decisions based on massive amounts of fast-changing data. Panopticon is enterprise-class software you can deploy in the cloud (public or private) or on-premises. It connects directly to virtually any data source, including big data sources, SQL and NoSQL databases, flat files, and real-time message queues. Users can develop stream processing applications and design sophisticated visual user interfaces without writing a single line of code. This technical document provides a summary of the capabilities, implementation options, applications, and benefits of using Panopticon to support your operational requirements.

Technical Document

Real-time Client Insight for Sales Trading

Using Altair Panopticon in conjunction with Kx kdb+, HSBC is able to analyze client flow globally, across their businesses and regions, and down to the market and stock level. Vega Murden, HSBC's Team Lead, MSS Equities Cash & Electronic IT, will discuss how this enables the bank's traders to have more meaningful client interactions and identify and measure improvements in their product offerings. With this combination of technologies, they are able to offer this information to their front office teams in real-time and with granular historic data to support trend analysis and data investigations. The presentation aired at Future.AI in June 2021, and is a little over 12 minutes long. Explore how you can gain real-time visibility into market activity with Altair Panopticon™. View all Future.AI 2021 Presentations

Future.AI 2021

Panopticon Demo: Monitor and Analyze Real-Time Data from Oil and Gas Drilling Operations

Oil and gas wells are equipped with a variety of sensors measuring temperature, torque, friction, pressure, location, volume of production, and rate of penetration. This telemetry data streams into a central control room over low latency message buses, where engineers and analysts use Altair® Panopticon™ to monitor and analyze that data in real time. A single Panopticon workbook can process and visualize data from any number of wells and display geospatial information and all critical parameters — down to the nanosecond if needed. The software can make on-the-fly comparisons between current readings and historical time series data and alert users to potential maintenance issues before they can bring drilling to a halt.

Use Cases