通過虛擬試駕模擬真實世界的性能,解決自動駕駛汽車 (AV) 和高級駕駛輔助系統 (ADAS) 的設計挑戰。

自動駕駛汽車與 ADAS

自動駕駛汽車 (AV) 和高級駕駛輔助系統 (ADAS) 更加複雜,需要執行更多測試。要在產品開發期限內分析完所有必要場景,需要使用高級模擬和高性能計算 (HPC) 技術。借助 Altair 技術,客戶能夠提供可提高當今汽車和卡車安全性並在路上實現無人駕駛的解決方案。

Altair 模擬對於我們客戶的車輛與車輛 (V2V)、車輛對基礎設施 (V2I)、車輛與萬物 (V2X)、AV 和 ADAS 開發至關重要。天線對於在所有這三種情況下建立順暢、可靠的通信非常重要。從設計到佈局,再到通信,Altair 能夠提供各種天線工程解決方案。雖然可以在天線物理實驗室對天線設計的部分性能指標執行測試,但這種做法成本高昂,並且這種實驗室也不能反映真實環境。鑒於此,越來越多的開發團隊在 Altair 的幫助下利用虛擬城市景觀對設備信號強度和資料輸送量進行模擬。

ADAS 感測器和天線


快速探索更多 ADAS 感測器和天線配置,同時考慮汽車、建築物和街道,並準確呈現波反射、衍射和散射。

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雷達、超聲波和 LiDAR 設計與集成

汽車雷達的工作頻率很高,很難進行設計和集成,因此電磁 (EM) 模擬變得更為常用,可縮短原本漫長且昂貴的雷達系統原型設計週期。從電氣角度來講,在啟動雷達的情況下,車輛的尺寸比較大,因此 EM 模擬的計算要求會很高。

Altair® Feko® 可以高效、精確地對車載雷達天線設計及集成(包括天線罩和保險杠的效應)進行模擬。Feko 還提供超聲波感測器解決方案,Altair 合作夥伴聯盟 (APA) 提供 TracePro 的存取權限,以進行 LiDAR 建模。


用於 PCB 設計的整合式軟體

Altair PollEx™ 是面向電氣、電子和製造工程師的最全且集成度最高的PCB設計查看、分析和驗證工具。PollEx在業界最受歡迎的ECAD和模擬工具之間完美地傳輸數據,並能快速視覺化和查看PCB設計。它的檢查工具可在設計初期發現問題,從而避免產品故障,以簡化製造和組裝。





大多數 AV 和 ADAS 開發測試都是在現有的本地或公共雲 HPC 環境中進行。Altair Accelerator™ 是一種領先的 HPC 技術,各主要電子設計組織在運行數百萬次的模擬時,都會利用該技術進行快速擴展、加快速度,以及優化資源和成本。Accelerator 是速度極快的高輸送量調度程式,每小時可處理 1,000 萬個作業。


The Next Generation 連接

5G 天線設計和天線布局Feko® 被廣泛應用於設計廣播和電視、無線系統、移動蜂窩系統、通信系統、無鑰匙進入系統(RKE)、胎壓監測系統(TPMS)、衛星定位系統、雷達系統、射頻識別(RFID)和其他天線等。

5G 無線通道模型 Feko 波傳播模型進行了擴展,將 5G 的高頻段和具體特性納入了考慮,其中包括材料傳導和反射的電學性質定義,以及大氣吸收特性。

Altair 在紐約市舉辦的 73 GHz 寬頻傳播測量行銷活動中,已經證明其射線追蹤模型能夠正確預測傳播特性。

5G 無線網絡:城市地區需要使用超密度網路,以滿足大數據量需求。Feko 射線追蹤解決方案能夠同時分析大量基站,包括新設計,例如,基站上的大規模多輸入多輸出 (MIMO) 天線陣列。它還能在城市環境中虛擬測試豎直離開角擴展 (ESD),來評估網路性能。



From Radar Waves to Road Safety

From the moment radar was first invented, it has proved its value in collision avoidance - first at sea, then in the air and later on the road. This white paper gives an overview of the development that has taken place.

Technical Document

The Use of MBD Modelling Techniques in the Design and Development of a Suspension System

This paper describes the use of Multi-body Dynamics (MBD) modelling techniques in the design and development of a suspension system for a novel autonomous vehicle. The general approach and philosophy is described, whereby MBD techniques are used in conjunction with an independent (parametric) whole vehicle handling simulation. This is supplemented with examples, showing how MotionSolve was used (in tandem with CarSim) to develop the suspension elasto-kinematic geometric properties to meet specific cascaded targets, to optimise a weighing strategy, to predict forces under a variety of quasi-static and dynamic loads, and to estimate response to track inputs.

Technical Papers

EM Simulation for Wireless Systems and Antenna Integration on Motor Vehicles

Presentation by Dr. Ahmadreza Jafari, Radio Reception and Antenna Expert, & Phillippe Boutier, Référent RadioFréquence at Renault.

In this presentation, different examples of Renault RF simulations regarding antenna applications such as keyless entry and ignition, AM/FM/DAB radio, radar and V2X are explored. Simulations for keyless entry and ignition are performed using Altair Feko at 125 kHz and 433 MHz. The aim is to define antenna placements to achieve the required hand-free detection zone and remote-control range. Concerning AM/FM/DAB radio, rear-screen and foil antenna radiation patterns are simulated to optimize fine tuning validations. For the radar antenna, impact of the environment around the antenna is explored by simulation.

This presentation also deals with a simple and complete simulation approach for V2X, in which WinProp propagation scenarios are combined with various antenna solutions.

Conference Presentations

Virtual Drive Tests for ADAS Radar Sensors and Communication Antennas

This webinar shows how Altair WinProp considers the full environment including buildings, cars, street objects in order to get accurate representations of the radio waves impinging on the installed car antennas and the multipath radar channels including reflections, diffractions and scattered contributions. For the efficient analysis the car objects can be also replaced by their corresponding radar cross sections (pre-calculated in Altair Feko). Thus allowing the realistic and fully reproducible evaluations of different options for the antennas and sensors including their integration and configuration.
