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Altair® Flux® 應用程式

Flux 广泛应用于运输、电气设备和消费品等多个行业,用于开发具有更高连接水平且更高效的电气系统。

Flux 解決了最廣泛的電磁、電和熱模擬問題,且與 Altair 全球多學科設計探索與優化解決方案密切相關。它可説明發明者加速其設備的電氣化,同時提供更高水準的性能、縮短上市時間、開發經濟高效的解決方案並提供高效且可靠的設計。

了解關於 Flux 的更多訊息


無論在哪個行業,高性能電機的設計都是一項複雜的工作。Altair® FluxMotor®,Flux 和 Altair 套件为工程师提供了一种稳健的解决方案,可检查相互冲突的限制因素,如效率、控制、温度、重量、尺寸和成本。

為了更快探索更多概念、更好地了解其設計並提高性能,Altair 的工作流程可引導電機設計師完成高效的模擬驅動設計流程。這款分析與優化解決方案支持多學科團隊合作,並能縮短設計階段。



隨著大多數行業著眼于開發更智慧的連接設備,使用 Flux 開發合適的傳感技術可以準確預測檢測範圍、測量誤差或操作條件。


電磁驅動可廣泛用於眾多行業和無線設備種,以實現控制並保障安全性。Flux 可以優化速度、轉矩或能耗方面的性能,並集成至全域系統中,以進行高級控制和定位分析。





Flux 可確保進行穩健的電氣和熱分析,以實現最高效率水準、減少損耗並優化全域性能。

隨著全球趨勢發展,這些設備的運行情況已接近其性能極限,Altair 的解決方案囊括了結構限制,可全面且準確地評估故障風險。



在將創新產品推向市場的競爭中,Flux 提供了一個強大的解決方案,不但能夠優化能量轉移,同時還考慮了各種約束條件,如損耗、系統失調、輻射場、干擾和熱問題。

閱讀 Gulplug 案例



從電源配置到最佳感應器形狀和強制冷卻選項預測,Flux 可模擬整個過程以優化加熱和強制冷卻階段。工程師可在不影響零件的情況下獲得最有效的熱處理,同時也降低了重複性高電流消耗所帶來的能源成本。


Electric Motors Multidisciplinary Optimization Platform

The design of a high-performance e-Motor is a complex undertaking. Engineers have conflicting constraints to consider including efficiency, temperature, weight, size and cost. To explore more ideas, better understand their designs and improve performance, Altair HyperWorks™ has a workflow to guide motor designers through an efficient process of Simulation-Driven Design. This analysis and optimization solution supports multi-disciplinary teamwork and reduces design times.

Use Cases

E-motor Design using Multiphysics Optimization

Today, an e-motor cannot be developed just by looking at the motor as an isolated unit; tight requirements concerning the integration into both the complete electric or hybrid drivetrain system and perceived quality must be met. Multi-disciplinary and multiphysics optimization methodologies make it possible to design an e-motor for multiple, completely different design requirements simultaneously, thus avoiding a serial development strategy, where a larger number of design iterations are necessary to fulfill all requirements and unfavorable design compromises need to be accepted.

The project described in this paper is focused on multiphysics design of an e-motor for Porsche AG. Altair’s simulation-driven approach supports the development of e-motors using a series of optimization intensive phases building on each other. This technical paper offers insights on how the advanced drivetrain development team at Porsche AG, together with Altair, has approached the challenge of improving the total design balance in e-motor development.

White Papers

Altair FluxMotor - Thermal Design, Test, and NVH Evaluation

The latest release of FluxMotor, Altair's software product for electric machines design, adds several functionalities in the area of thermal design, test, and NVH evaluation. This short video illustrates some of the major updates.

Use Cases

Power Transformer under Short-circuit Fault Conditions: Multiphysics Approach to Evaluate the Robustness

Transformers’ windings experience mechanical loads from electromagnetic forces due to the currents they carry. Power transformers can suffer from high sudden short-circuit currents. These short-circuit currents are a significant threat, not only from an electrical but also from the structural integrity point of view. In this paper, coupled electromagnetic and structural mechanics simulations are carried out to evaluate short-circuit fault risks in a comprehensive and accurate way.

Technical Document