GPU 解決方案

GPU 解決方案

單個 GPU 的計算能力相當於 100 個 CPU,因此可幫助科學家解決以前無法解決的問題。Altair 的 GPU 解決方案可説明客戶優化設計,從而改善產品性能和最終使用者體驗,實施高級監控和預測性維護,降低運營成本,以及延長產品壽命。GPU 在現代高性能計算 (HPC)、人工智慧 (AI) 和機器學習應用程式框架中至關重要。


NVIDIA GPU 提供支援,將人工智能科學推向新高度

NVIDIA 的 Dai Yang 博士和 Michael Liebenthron  討論了使用全球首個基於 NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU 構建的 AI 系統 DGX A100,將人工智慧和模擬科學推向新高度。




利用 GPU 加快數值模擬速度意味著將能更好地研究和調整設計,並根據更準確的結果更快地做出決策。可以在 GPU 中對多物理場進行準確模擬,在本地或雲中實現靈活的混合環境並在夜間研究和評估方案,顯著加快設計工作流。



GPU 能夠顯著提高速度和輸送量,從而縮短產品上市時間。客戶可以自由部署更節能的計算系統,並能在本地或雲中創建靈活的設計和模擬混合環境。



與同等配置的 CPU 相比,GPU 在執行最密集的計算操作時速度提高了六倍,使您的產品能夠在現實世界中領先競爭對手一步。




隨著渲染越來複雜,品質越來越高,各個行業的設計師、工程師和美工都在努力以比以往更快的速度製作視覺上更豐富的內容,同時克服基於 CPU 的低效解決方案帶來的局限性。

Altair 基於物理的全域照明渲染器可在 GPU 中提供近乎完美的可擴展性,它具有多個引擎,能夠創造出色的逼真場景和複雜動畫。Altair 可通過功能強大的 GPU 提供極其高效且完備的渲染解決方案,從桌面上的互動式會話到資料中心的最終批量渲染全部覆蓋。


The Keys to Scalable, Cost-Effective CFD Investment

Fluid mechanics simulation is a critical tool for late-stage failure risk mitigation, as well as a driver of design insights throughout the product development process. Used across all levels of product design and validation, from design engineers seeking to understand fluid and thermal effects on a design proposal to analysts performing advanced aerodynamic modeling, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) serves a broad array of applications and a range of users with varied levels of expertise. The sometimes complex and computationally intensive nature of CFD necessitates careful consideration of the software and hardware investments required to produce accurate solutions and scale them at the speed of a company’s development process.

Technical Document

The Future of HPC

Dr. Bill Nitzberg, CTO, PBS Works at Altair, provides his perspective on the Future of HPC. HPC improves people’s lives – it’s the engine that accelerates solving complex science and engineering problems – making products more sustainable, making cars safer, making dangerous weather more predictable, even making medicines more effective. High Performance Computing has always been about leveraging lots of computing power to solve big problems...quickly. “Big” and “fast” define HPC, with the latest milestone, Exascale computers, capable of a billion billion calculations per second, expected to arrive next year. What is changing is what’s inside these engines of computing, how HPC is being consumed, and who is using HPC. HPC is becoming more and more heterogenous, with the addition of GPUs, vector engines, and high-performance versions of the Arm processors that run on today’s mobile phones, and, eventually, quantum processors. HPC is moving from “owning big, expensive iron” to a combination of buying and renting (via the Cloud). And, HPC is expanding beyond an “engineering experts only” discipline to a more mass-market audience, and also to a broader set of disciplines, especially those leveraging AI, machine learning, and data analytics. The recording is about 11 minutes long, and was presented at the 2020 Global Altair Technology conference.

Global ATC 2020

Accelerate Decision-Making with GPUs

Harnessing the computational capabilities of the graphics processing unit (GPU) is one of the cornerstones of Altair's mission to empower its customers. First and foremost, utilizing GPUs to accelerate numerical simulation delivers significant increases in speed and therefore, throughput. That means more opportunities to explore and fine-tune designs, faster decision-making based on more accurate results, and consequently the prospect of considerable reductions in time to market. In addition, creativity is enhanced, with more vivid, realistic and accurate rendering and visualization put within easier reach.

Product Overview Videos

Artificial Intelligence Taking to the Cloud

This presentation outlines Oracle’s vision for the future of artificial intelligence, including how AI and automation will drive the next wave of business transformation, the proliferation of technologies focused on understanding human language, intent, and context, like natural language processing (NLP), and how they are reshaping our interactions and businesses, as well as the critical role of high-performing, low-latency infrastructure in driving successful AI initiatives. This keynote by Clay Magouyrk, Vice President for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, was presented at the 2021 Altair HPC Summit, and is over 16 minutes long. View all HPC Summit 2021 Presentations

HPC Summit 2021