Altair Radioss 應用

Altair® Radioss® 應用

Radioss 已將自身確立為行業領導者,能夠就汽車碰撞、安全、衝擊和撞擊、跌落、終端彈道、爆炸和爆炸效應以及高速衝擊評估和優化產品性能。

對於全球眾多不同的行業而言,Radioss 是一款基於固體和流體動力學的功能多樣且全面的高性能顯式有限元 (FE) 求解器。

Radioss 是標準的“必備”工具,可準確預測對結構和產品的動態瞬態載荷影響,以提高安全性、生存能力並設計更可靠的產品。

了解关于 Radioss 的更多信息


Radioss 有助於工程師考慮整體系統行為,其中在存在巨大幾何和/或材料變形的動態或准靜態載荷下,主要特徵是大型非線性運動和非線性材料行為(無論是否破裂),如電動汽車 (BEV) 側面碰撞測試中看到的那些情況、極端負載下的體育用品、受傷條件下的生物力學、爆炸情況下的國防和陸地安全的碰撞測試


無論何種車輛,30 多年來,Radioss 一直在準確預測碰撞響應,幫助車輛設計人員達到安全標準。


為確保車輛乘員的安全,Radioss 使用人體和擬人測試設備 (ATD) 模型就安全氣囊展開和屏障效果提供快速準確的結果。




2019 年美國發生了超過 17,000 起事故,鳥擊仍然是飛機擋風玻璃、結構、儀錶和發動機適航性的重大威脅。Radioss 經驗證的鳥類模型和多域模擬能夠可靠地識別並幫助減少鳥類撞擊的損害。


通過在任意拉格朗日-歐拉 (ALE) 或平滑粒子流體動力學 (SPH) 模型上應用 Radioss 多域,用戶能夠以明顯更快的速度模擬全部水上迫降場景,包括觸水和漂浮時的方式及結構回應。


作為 Altair 完整造船分析解決方案的一部分,Radioss 支持船舶和碼頭之間的碰撞場景。其流固耦合 (FSI) 功能可高效模擬海上平臺、水下管道鋪設和綠色能源生產結構上的船舶、繫繩和立管的砰擊和波浪效應。


無論是在陸地、海上還是空中,都可以使用 Radioss 對爆炸裝置或軍火的事故或威脅影響的有效防護進行準確模擬,包括終端彈道研究。


Ford Research Center - Interview with Dr. Niels Pasligh

Niels Pasligh from Ford Research Center Aachen, Germany, is talking about his team's challenges and how they work with Altair products to tackle these.


Second Generation AMD EPYC Processors Speed Up Altair Radioss Crash and Multiphysics Simulations

Join Altair Radioss development and HPC solver VP Eric Lequiniou to find out how AMD EPYC processors speed up crash and multiphysics simulations with Radioss.

HPC Summit 2020

From MBD to FSI Complete firearm development

Presentation by Konstantin Arhiptsov & by Eitan Maler, Simulation Dept. IWI Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) at the ATCx in Israel, Netanya on October 30, 2019. These days, in IWI, complete multi physics simulation is an integrated tool in the development of any new product. The motivation is to completely simulate one or two firing cycles as close to reality. First step is the Multi Body Dynamics simulation to check all mechanism are synchronized and work properly. Second is the explicit simulations - calibrating the mechanical properties of the pistol, in that the springs, contacts, materials and gun powder properties based on one firing cycle. The following is to calibrate the Non Rigid Boundary conditions (NRBC’s). This calibration of boundary conditions which are not completely fixed is crucial to understanding the actual strains and stresses on the parts. One of the approaches was to use known data of the stiffness of arm and wrist, implementing this data into a HyperStudy model to compare and calibrate the results based on a slow motion capturing of a real firing. The results are promising, with high accuracy of the behavior compared to a real capturing of the shooting, up to the point of slider getting to the end of its move – where most of the kinetic energy transform into loads on the frame. The following steps will be to calibrate, using the same method, the return of the slider to it’s original position and perform more than one firing cycle.

Conference Presentations

Outstanding Scalability at NIAR - Advanced crash analysis solution proves twice as fast as leading competitor

To support its goal of accelerating the development cycle, early in 2020 NIAR commissioned a study to assess the scalability of Altair Radioss™, Altair’s structural analysis solver for highly non-linear problems under dynamic loadings. Regular support from an Altair engineer ensured swift familiarization with Radioss. The study was performed on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). OCI with its bare metal HPC shapes that use low latency RDMA interconnect provided highly scalable infrastructure-as-a-service (IAAS) for Radioss.

Customer Stories