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Pattern Optimisation of a Yagi-Uda Antenna

Optimise a Yagi-Uda antenna design to achieve a specific radiation pattern and gain at 1 GHz. The Yagi-Uda antenna consists of a dipole, reflector and two directors.

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PollEx Unified Part Library Editor (UPE)

In this tutorial we will review the PollEx unified Part Library Editor for creating integrated part libraries.

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PollEx PCB Thermal for Board Level Analysis

In this tutorial we will look at using PollEx to run a PCB Thermal Simulation for Board Level Analysis.

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PollEx PCB Signal Integrity for Board Level Analysis

In this tutorial we will look at using PollEx to run PCB Signal Integrity for Board Level Analysis.

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PollEx PCB Power Integrity for Board Level Analysis

In this tutorial we will look at using PollEx to run a PCB Power Integrity for Board Level Analysis.

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PollEx PCB Redmark Plus for PCB Design Mark-up

In this tutorial we will look at the PollEx Redmark Plus capabilities for PCB design mark-up.

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Workflow for commercial antenna patterns

Altair Feko provides the necessary workflow for commercial antenna patterns.

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Altair Flux™ Direct Model Export for Straightforward System Integration

Altair Flux offers a direct model export compatible with major system simulation software for straightforward system integration. Two different formats are available: FMU (Functional Mockup Units) dynamic models format is straightforward, standardized and very efficient, while lookup tables are an interesting alternative, offering the opportunity to adjust the dimensions of the table according to the required precision. Latest improvement enable impressive speed-up with Altair Activate™.

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PollEx PCB Modeler for PCB Design Review

Get started with PCB Modeler, easy-to-use and collaborative application, central application of PollEx with unsurpassed connectivity to major ECAD systems, to quickly visualize and review PCB designs without losing any ECAD design data.

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PollEx CP for PCB Design Comparison

Get started with PollEx CP, part of PollEx Suite, to easily and automatically compare different PCB designs and revisions, including schematics, layouts and BOM and with the possibility to export comparative reports with the results

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PollEx PCB Verification for Design for Manufacturing (DFM)

Get started with PollEx Verification for DFM, where PollEx’s rule-based DFM checking tool covers the manufacturing areas of board, component, drill, FPCB, package, pad, presence and size of masks for manufacturing equipment, pattern, optimization of via annular ring, placement and tooling and PCB space.

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PollEx PCB Verification for Design for Assembly (DFA)

Get started with PollEx Verification for DFA, where PollEx’s rule-based DFA checking tool covers the manufacturing assembly areas of collision, lead, soldering, placement, component height, component and board, stability.

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PollEx PCB Verification for Design for Electrical Engineering (DFE)

Get started with PollEx Verification for DFE, where PollEx’s rule-based DFE checking tool covers the electrical areas related to SI, PI, EMI and ESD including high speed signals, differential pairs, common nets, power filters, stub, antenna ground, return path, shielding for net or component, routed copper area, components and boards.

Quick Start

Direct Mid Meshing forTraining: Complex 2D Components Using HyperWorks New User Experience

The session will take you through the new workflow introduced to HyperMesh enables efficient mesh generation of thin solid parts without the need to create a mid-surface. The thickness of the original part can be mapped automatically on to the resulting mesh.

Quick Start

Using your CAD in MapleSim

See how to import and work with your CAD model in MapleSim.

Quick Start

Panopticon Demo: A Real-Time View of Order Book Depth

Traders need to understand what is happening to the order book right now – in real time – plus what has happened during the last few minutes. With Panopticon, traders can monitor for imbalances across instruments, and then investigate the latest book depth from that time onwards. It can query historic data stored in kdb+, OneTick, or virtually any other high performance data repository, or subscribe to live data streams from Kafka, Solace, Rabbit MQ, or other message buses. When traders are monitoring a wide selection of stocks, they need to see a summary of all books along with calculated metrics to display anomalies. If they are monitoring only a few instruments, they most likely want to see them all in parallel. Panopticon supports either use case, and at any time, the user can jump from the live real time view of the order book to see any part of the trading day to examine anomalies in more detail.

Quick Start

Panopticon Demo: Visualize your Order Book with Full Depth

Panopticon enables traders to visualize their Order Books at full depth. While looking at Top of Book to see the spread across time is useful, traders can’t see what’s happening at depth unless they use much more sophisticated visualizations, as demonstrated in this video. Viewing full depth stats across the a selected period makes it easy to understand what is actually happening with trades. Traders can grouping depth into multiple buckets (in order example, ten buckets) and calculate total size, size imbalance, spreads, and size-weighted average bids and offers down the book, at each level of depth. They can see where the book widens and narrows, where the book is balanced, where there are size imbalances, and where orders are more mixed. They can also see how the best spread correlates to the weighted average spread across the book. This approach is especially useful when making comparisons between different instruments. Traders can easily see anomalies in book depth across the market, and how those anomalies change over time, down to the nanosecond level. This dashboard also enables users to see what sort of strategies other firms in the market are trading; for example, is a rival firm’s strategy focused on market making or is it continuously moving liquidity between both sides of the book? Is it sporadic in its order flow? Does it look like spoofing? In this video, we are looking at trading activity for equities, but the system supports all asset classes and quants, traders, and compliance officers can visualize order books for fixed income, derivatives, commodities, and foreign exchange instruments with equal accuracy and depth.

Quick Start

Panopticon Demo: Build Stream Processing Applications with Zero Coding

Panopticon Streams, a stream processing engine built on the popular Apache Kafka platform, enables business users to build sophisticated Kafka data flows with no coding. Streams connects directly to a wide range of streaming and historic information sources, including Kafka, Kx kdb+, Solace, Hadoop and NoSQL sources. Streams supports critical data functions including: - Streaming Data Prep: Combines multiple real-time streams with historic data sources - Calculation Engine: Calculates performance metrics based on business needs - Aggregation Driver: Combines data as needed - Alerting Engine: Highlights anomalies against user-defined thresholds - Integration with the Confluent Enterprise Control Center - Expanded support for IoT environments, including manufacturing, energy/utilities, and transportation/logistics The engine is designed to be used by people who understand their business problems. They can create their own data flows utilizing data from any number of sources and incorporate joins, aggregations, conflations, calculations, unions, merges, and alerts into their stream processing applications. They can then visualize processed data using Panopticon Visual Analytics and/or output it to Kafka, Kx kdb+, InfluxDb, or any SQL database.

Quick Start

Panopticon Demo: Monitor ATM Performance

This video demonstrates how to use visual analytics to monitor performance and profitability of a network of ATM machines. The system can monitor the number of transactions for each machine and identify machines that under-performing due to lack of supplies, paper, failed transactions, and/or funds. The dashboards also utilize real time data from the ATM network to help managers identify cases of potential fraud, including card cloning.

Quick Start

Panopticon Demo: Monitor IoT Sensors with Control Charts

Panopticon enables organizations to monitor and analyze real-time data streaming in from a wide variety of IoT sensors in industrial applications.

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Panopticon Demo: Monitor and Analyze Trading Profit and Loss in Real Time

The ability to analyze profitability during the trading day is a major advantage for firms engaged in electronic or high frequency trading. Traders can take corrective action like changes to strategy and execution venue selection as soon as they spot an issue that may drag trading into loss territory for the day.  The Panopticon Streaming Analytics Platform enables buy side and sell side firms to connect to virtually any data source, including kdb+, Kafka, InfluxDB, OneTick, and Solace (as well as virtually all other sources commonly deployed in electronic trading infrastructures). They can then visualize real-time streaming and historical time series data in ways that enable them to understand what exactly is happening with their profitability, what caused specific problems, and devise effective approaches to improve profits on the day.

Quick Start

Panopticon Demo: Visual Monitoring and Analysis Applied to Best Execution

Tabular displays are useful in examining top level aggregated data, but quite limited when the number of rows grows to hundreds of thousands. This is especially true when dealing with data related Best Execution; there is an enormous amount of data to be analyzed, and the analysis must be conducted in a timely manner in order to be useful.  Specialized visual analytics tools make it much easier - and faster - to slice and dice the data to identify outliers and anomalies. We use different visual techniques to look at different aspects and dimensions in the data. When we spot a problem, we can drill into the child orders to figure out what is doing wrong. For example, visual analytics makes it obvious when a venue is underperforming, and since we can see what the issue is while it is happening, based on real-time trading data, we can reallocate our order flow to compensate during the trading day. We can also do "what if" analysis and understand what would happen if we redirected flow away from a particular venue.  Rather than using our data handling infrastructure only to generate reports as required by regulators or looking at end-of-day aggregated TCA data, we can effectively monitor and analyze all trades as they are happening and modify our trading activity to optimize our profitability and maintain compliance.

Quick Start

Panopticon Demo: Fast Visual Analytics for Capital Markets

Altair Panopticon makes it possible to identify outliers and anomalies very quickly in massive amounts of real-time and historical trading data. The tool is designed specifically for Capital Markets applications and major firms all over the world use it to improve profitability, manage risk, monitor trading activity, detect fraud, and perform other critical functions related to trading instruments of all types.

Quick Start

Inspire Print3D - Getting Started

A course to help users get started using Inspire Print3D including an interface tour and workflow training/videos.

Quick Start

Multiple Configurations with FEKO

See a demonstration that sets up multiple configurations on the same model such as one dipole active and two dipoles active.

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Finite Arrays

See a demonstration of the finite arrays tool creating a 4X2 dipole array.

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Maximize Productivity in SimSolid

Getting started with SimSolid? View this video to see how you can get started and maximize your productivity with the tool.

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Solid Modeling of a Mechanical Part

A short workflow illustrating the power of solid modeling and editing in Inspire Studio, applied to a junction pipe with flanges.

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Create and Control NURBS Curves & Surfaces

Utilize Non-uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) curves and surfaces to accurately represent even the most complex shapes with flexibility and precision.

Quick Start

e-Motor Concept Quick Design with Altair FluxMotor

Altair FluxMotor is a straightforward platform dedicated to the pre-design of electric rotating machines. It enables the designer to build a machine from standard or customized parts, add windings and materials to quickly run a selection of tests and easily compare the machine performance. In addition, they can predict the machine performance at one or more working points, and also for complete duty cycles. By coupling FluxMotor to Altair HyperStudy design exploration and optimization solution, Altair offers designers a unique process to optimize their motor concept at an early design stage. They can select and focus on the topologies that fulfill the main specifications before going further in their EM design with Altair Flux and perform Multiphysics analysis.

Quick Start

Automated Tests and Reports with Altair FluxMotor

Altair FluxMotor is a straightforward platform dedicated to the pre-design of electric rotating machines. It enables the designer to build a machine from standard or customized parts, add windings and materials to quickly run a selection of tests and easily compare the machine performance. In addition, they can predict the machine performance at one or more working points, and also for complete duty cycles. By coupling FluxMotor to Altair HyperStudy design exploration and optimization solution, Altair offers designers a unique process to optimize their motor concept at an early design stage. They can select and focus on the topologies that fulfill the main specifications before going further in their EM design with Altair Flux and perform Multiphysics analysis.

Quick Start

Discover Altair FluxMotor: Easy-to-Use Software Dedicated to e-Motor Concept Design

Altair FluxMotor is a straightforward platform dedicated to the pre-design of electric rotating machines. It enables the designer to build a machine from standard or customized parts, add windings and materials to quickly run a selection of tests and easily compare the machine performance. In addition, they can predict the machine performance at one or more working points, and also for complete duty cycles. By coupling FluxMotor to Altair HyperStudy design exploration and optimization solution, Altair offers designers a unique process to optimize their motor concept at an early design stage. They can select and focus on the topologies that fulfill the main specifications before going further in their EM design with Altair Flux and perform Multiphysics analysis.

Quick Start

e-Motor Concept Optimization Coupling with Altair FluxMotor and Altair HyperStudy

By coupling Altair FluxMotor for e-Motor concept design with Altair HyperStudy, more design exploration and optimization can be accomplished, while considering duty cycles. Further information are available on Altair connect.

Quick Start

Inspire Studio - Getting Started

Overview of Tool Ribbon, Tool-belt, World Browser, Preferences, and Help.

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Inspire Studio - Workspace

Overview of Pan, Rotate, Zoom, Navi-Cube, Camera Setup/Editing, Modeling windows, and View Modes.

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Inspire Studio - Modeling

Overview of Creation Mode, Edit Mode, Guide Bar, and Exit tool.

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Inspire Render - Rendering

Overview of Materials, Environments, and Darkroom.

Quick Start

Advanced Hystheresis Simulation Using Preisach Model - Altair Flux

Newly introduced in Altair Flux, the hysteresis modeling based on Preisach's model enables a better evaluation of iron losses and remanence effects. Flux captures the complexity of electromechanical equipment to optimize their performance, efficiency, dimensions, cost or weight with precision, bringing better innovation and value products to end users. Flux simulates magneto static, steady-state and transient conditions, along with electrical and thermal properties.

Quick Start

Taking Demagnetization Into Account - Altair Flux

Demagnetization simulation: considering the magnet demagnetization phenomena during the solving process simulation enables very accurate predict the device performance, and measure the impact on EMF and torque for instance. Flux captures the complexity of electromechanical equipment to optimize their performance, efficiency, dimensions, cost or weight with precision, bringing better innovation and value products to end users. Flux simulates magneto static, steady-state and transient conditions, along with electrical and thermal properties.

Quick Start

Advanced e-Motor Design Dedicated Environment - Altair Flux FeMT

Designing an e-Motor has never been a simple task. Altair Flux, the solution for accurate electromagnetic detailed design, not only enables to quickly generate 2D and 3D motor models with its Overlays. Its new module now produces efficiency maps and automatic reports in the same appreciated FluxMotor supportive environment. Flux captures the complexity of electric motors and electromechanical equipment to optimize their performance, efficiency, dimensions, cost or weight with precision, bringing better innovation and value products to end users. Flux simulates magneto static, steady-state and transient conditions, along with electrical and thermal properties.

Quick Start

New Features of Altair Flux Electromagnetic and Thermal Simulations

Altair Flux captures the complexity of electromechanical equipment to optimize their performance, efficiency, dimensions, cost or weight with precision, bringing better innovation and value products to end users. Flux simulates magneto static, steady-state and transient conditions, along with electrical and thermal properties.

Quick Start

e-Motor Concept Optimization Coupling with Altair FluxMotor and Altair HyperStudy

Designers starting with a blank page face an unlimited number of configurations and need to quickly select machines types. By coupling Altair FluxMotor to Altair HyperStudy design exploration and optimization solution, Altair offers designers a unique process to optimize their motor concept at an early design stage, defining their constraints and their objectives. A typical objective is to reach maximum global efficiency across a given duty cycle. Then, designers can select and focus on the topologies that fulfill the main specifications before going further in their design.

Quick Start

Model Export to Altair Flux

Once a designers has defined its motor concept in Altair FluxMotor and evaluated its global performance, he can perform more detailed analysis, exporting his machine in Altair Flux and working with high-fidelity models. Significantly, Flux enables more accurate prediction of motor behavior, with advanced losses computation, considering eccentricities, magnet demagnetization, effects of manufacturing process, and couple to Altair HyperWorks for multiphysics analysis.

Quick Start

Altair Embed - Unit Delay, Pulse Counter, and Discrete Integrator

Use of the Unit Delay, modeling a pulse counter, and modeling a discrete backwards rectangular integrator.

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Altair Embed - Discrete Reset Integrator, Merge, & CrossDetect Blocks

Understanding the Merge and CrossDetect blocks, adding an Embed model to the Embed MenuBar, modeling a discrete reset integrator.

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Altair Embed - Fixed Point - Fundamentals Part 1

Description and use of fixed point blocksets, block properties, blockset configuration tool and displaying fixed point overflow messages and watermarks.

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Altair Embed - Fixed Point - Fundamentals Part 2

Application of fixed point autoscale feature and attributes of automatically generated fixed point C-code

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Altair Embed - Fixed Point - Filters

Use of the transfer function block and filter design option to design, discretize and implement a second order low pass filter. Adjusting the discrete stepsize and fixed point format for acceptable performance are covered.

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